Satellite Workshop on African American English prosody October 10, 2018
The goal of this workshop is to foster the increasing interdisciplinarity between prosody and sociolinguistics. The workshop will bring together prosody researchers and researchers exploring the role of sociological variation in prosody, with a specific focus on understudied dialects and endangered languages, and individual differences based on gender and sexuality. We have invited experts cross-cutting these research communities to speak at the workshop and: (i) share the broad questions in sociolinguistics they think would especially benefit from prosodic research, (ii) address the theoretical and methodological challenges and opportunities that come with sociolinguistic variation and individual variation more generally, and (iii) share insights from their experience engaging with the broader public around issues of understudied languages, linguistic bias, and intersectionality in science.
In addition to nine invited talks, there will be additional refereed talks, and two poster sessions highlighting work related to the special session topic and to topics in prosody more generally.
We intend to make ETAP4 as broadly accessible as possible to those interested. There will be some scholarship funds available for students, including students working on endangered languages. Please contact the organizers if there are particular accommodations that we might be able to make available so that you can attend.
The deadline for submissions has passed.
Extension for abstract submission to May 14, 2018 AoE.
Call for papers Submit to EasyChair
The 4th Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Prosody (ETAP4) conference will be held from October 11-13, 2018, at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in Amherst, Massachusetts. This conference focuses on questions about the production, interpretation, and characterization of speech prosody, bringing together researchers in linguistics, psychology, and computer science. The theme of ETAP4 is “Sociolectal and dialectal variability in prosody.” As in many language fields, studies of prosody have focused on majority languages and dialects and on speakers who hold power in social structures. The goal of ETAP4 is to help diversify prosody research in terms of the languages and dialects being investigated, as well as the social structures that influence prosodic variation. The conference will bring together prosody researchers and researchers exploring the role of sociological variation in prosody, with a focus on understudied dialects and endangered languages, and individual differences based on gender and sexuality. Invited speakers will (i) raise what questions and areas they think would benefit from prosodic research, (ii) teach prosody researchers what they need to know to do research in these areas, and (iii) share insights from their experience engaging with the public around issues of understudied and endangered languages, linguistic bias, and intersectionality in science.
A satellite workshop on African-American English prosody will be held on October 10, 2018 to bring together participants to contribute common data sets and discuss the development of shared data resources and methodological considerations such as challenges in prosodic transcription. For updates on this workshop, subscribe to the e-mail list here:
We invite submission of abstracts describing work related to the conference theme as well as topics in prosody more generally from diverse approaches, including fieldwork, experiments, computational modeling, theoretical analyses, etc. These topics include:
Phonology and phonetics of prosody Cognitive processing and modelling of prosody Tone and intonation Acquisition of prosody Interfaces with syntax, semantics, pragmatics Prosody in natural language processing
In addition to talks from invited speakers, there will be additional talks, and two poster sessions. Abstracts for talks and posters must be submitted in a pdf format. The abstract itself (text) may be no longer than one page; a second page containing additional figures, tables, other graphics and/or references may be included. The uploaded abstract should be anonymous. To get updates on the conference, subscribe to the e-mail list here:
Submission deadline: April 30, 2018, 11:59 PM AoE (anywhere on earth).
Please feel free to email us if you have any questions, comments or concerns: